Sherston Drama Group are celebrating 35 years and putting on a production of “A Fish out of Water”, a hilarious comedy set on the Riviera, suitable for the family from the 9th April to 12th April in Sherston Village Hall at 7:30pm. This same play was the first that Sherston Drama Group officially did. Ticket prices are £6.50/£5.50 available from Sherston Village Post Office or Box
Malmesbury Singers Easter Concert at Malmesbury Abbey
March 29th at 7.30pm -The John Rutter Requiem & Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzes. Tickets £12, £10. Conc. Or £5 student from Abbey Bookshop or 01666 823642
We hold Saturday workshops on a variety of topics, both traditional and contemporary techniques, and have Tuesday evening talks on alternate months. We welcome new members, both experienced and those new to textiles. Please visit to find out more. All our meetings take place at Little Somerford Village Hall.
Sherston Village Hall 3pm on Saturday 15th March
Cuddle up round the campfire as Grandad recalls a daring escape from a hungry shark. Tuck into a marshmallow as he attempts to make a set of underpants for a giant and watch as the shadows between the trees unravel a tale of greedy goblins, grumpy trolls, sneaky princes and a very unusual princess.
Exquisite puppets, captivating storytelling, a magical soundscape and beautiful shadow puppetry combine to create an enchanting show guaranteed to spark the imagination.
Tickets from Sherston Post Office £7 adult, £6 concession, £4.50 under 16, £18.50 family. Suitable for all ages over 4, no unaccompanied young children, please.
Promoted by Rural Arts Touring and Sherston Arts Festival. Any enquiries 01666 840375.
Sherston Ladies Swimming Club needs new members !
The Club is open to any ladies from the area who want to swim on a regular basis. We swim at Westonbirt Leisure Pool, every Wednesday from 8 to 9 pm, the cost is £4 per evening and the water is warm. Come along with a friend – we will make you very welcome. There is a lane for fast swimmers, if you wish.
For details phone Annabel 01666 840592 or Heather 01666 840375.
Malmesbury Abbey Music Society is looking forward to an exciting
piano recital by the acclaimed Russian pianist, Sergei Podobedov.
Malmesbury Abbey Music Society (MAMS) is very much looking forward
to welcoming the Russian pianist, Sergei Podobedov, to Malmesbury
Abbey for the first time on Saturday, 8th March 2014 at 7:30pm.
Sergei was the first ever recipient of a Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
Scholarship at the Royal College of Music and performed with Sir John
Gielgud at Windsor Castle at the Queen Mother’s special invitation. He is
a graduate of The Moscow Conservatory, The Royal College of Music and
The University of California and the conductor, Gernady Rozhdestvensky,
describes him as “a magnificent pianist who possess outstanding musical
skills combined with true musicality and a refined sense of style.”
He will entertain us with a wonderfully varied programme, including
pieces by Schubert, Liszt and Prokofiev. An evening not to be missed!
Tickets for the concert are priced at £12, or £5 for students, and can be
obtained from the Abbey bookshop or the MAMS Ticket Secretary David
Barton on 07967123226 or email
Alternatively they can be bought online at
On 16TH, 17TH & 18TH May, visitors to Sherston will get the chance to get just a little bit closer to nature.
This will be a rare opportunity to be involved in some fantastic experiences, such as “Bird Ringing”, bats in their natural habitat and there will also be a chance to meet our local celebrity Darcey the Owl!
There will be a range of activities to include walks, talks, trails, crafts, meet and greet with animals and creatures, photographic exhibition, pet service, forest school and what to do if you find an injured animal or bird. There will be something that will appeal to all ages from bugs to bats.A number of local and national societies will have stands and lots of experts will be on hand including Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Butterfly Conservation, Avon Valley River Trust, a wildlife refuge, British Trust for Ornithology, RSPB etc etc.
A number of people, as well as the local scouts, are building a variety of boxes including those for Barn Owls, Little Owls and House Sparrows. The Owl boxes will be put up in local trees and barn’s ( if we can use one) and the House Sparrows, who have communal nests, will have new housing in the centre of the village.
We have also secured talks from some very exciting speakers-including Kelvin Boot. Watch this space!!
For full details, please like our Facebook page- Wild Sherston
“This is a wonderful excuse to get some fresh air and discover the wildlife on our doorstep!“
This year Malmesbury School are performing Oh What a Lovely War to coincide with the centenary of World War I. This pioneering musical was originally created by Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Workshop in 1963. The original Broadway production in 1965 won a Tony Award for best musical, then on the London stage in 2002 it won the Laurence Olivier award for best revived musical. Most of the songs are recognisable from the World War I era such as “It’s a long way to Tipperary, “Pack up your troubles” and “Keep the home fires burning” .
The show was considered to be ground-breaking, not only for its blatant denunciation of the political leaders’ incompetence during World War I, but also for its unusual theatrical style where the horrors of War are recalled through humour and frivolity, using visual stimuli such as circus costumes. Whilst at the same time the story of World War I is told through a backdrop of authentic visuals, showing statistics such as “28,000 dead, gained 5 yards” and ” the average life of a machine gunner on the western front 15 minutes”.
Miss Edwards, Head of Drama, comments “We hope the production will prove as popular with parents and the local community as it has so far with our cast of over 80 students. We have all been reminded of the sacrifices made by soldiers in the Great War, and we know audiences will be equally moved by the juxtaposition of sadness and humour”
The performance takes place in the school hall at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6 for adults and £5 for concessions. Please ring the school on 01666 829700 to request tickets. We very much look forward to seeing you there.
Dauntsey Cancer Research 6 mile run: Sunday 11th May 2014:
It is a flat route around country lanes. Perfect for novice runners. All finishers receive a medal, cup of tea and biscuit. We also have cakes available to purchase and will be holding a raffle.
Further details and entry form available by emailing or Linda