MAMS Welcome Serei Podobedov

Malmesbury Abbey Music Society is looking forward to an exciting

piano recital by the acclaimed Russian pianist, Sergei Podobedov.

Malmesbury Abbey Music Society (MAMS) is very much looking forward

to welcoming the Russian pianist, Sergei Podobedov, to Malmesbury

Abbey for the first time on Saturday, 8th March 2014 at 7:30pm.

Sergei was the first ever recipient of a Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother

Scholarship at the Royal College of Music and performed with Sir John

Gielgud at Windsor Castle at the Queen Mother’s special invitation. He is

a graduate of The Moscow Conservatory, The Royal College of Music and

The University of California and the conductor, Gernady Rozhdestvensky,

describes him as “a magnificent pianist who possess outstanding musical

skills combined with true musicality and a refined sense of style.”

He will entertain us with a wonderfully varied programme, including

pieces by Schubert, Liszt and Prokofiev. An evening not to be missed!

Tickets for the concert are priced at £12, or £5 for students, and can be

obtained from the Abbey bookshop or the MAMS Ticket Secretary David

Barton on 07967123226 or email

Alternatively they can be bought online at
