Calling all confident computer users

As you read through this issue of Malmesbury Connections you’ll see advertisers’ weblinks and might think “Hmmm, that could be what I want, I’ll look at their website”. As I might too. But about 68,000 people in Wiltshire wouldn’t be able to do the same as you or me….they’re not online.  Now try to imagine how your life would be without email, Google, Skype, online shopping and services, etc.!


In 2012 Wiltshire Council started the ‘Wiltshire Online’ scheme to help those who aren’t yet online to get online, to be able to have the internet benefits so many of us now take for granted. The scheme is entirely based on volunteers (‘Digital Champions’) who are confident users of computers giving a bit of their free time to show those who want to learn the basics how to get started online.


I recently became a Wiltshire Online Volunteer Co-ordinator: this involves matching up Digital Champions and learners according to their needs and experience.  But Wiltshire Online is new to the Malmesbury area. What we need now are Champions so that I have the teachers to put in touch with the would-be learners!  I’m hoping you may be interested in helping.


As a Champion you would have a first meeting (we suggest a public venue) with the learner I’ve matched you up with, and then you would jointly decide where and when to have further meetings, probably of an hour or so each, depending on how things progress.


Does this sound like something you could and would like to do? If so, the Wiltshire Online office would love to hear from you (call 01225 793349 or email . Full details of the Digital Champion role and how to apply can be found at  ….and I hope this is one link you’ll be clicking on!


Chris Baker
